19 Nov Focus On What You Do Best
Small businesses constantly face the question of “what should my focus be?” There are so many voices pulling for your attention: “Fix this issue”, “Look at this”, “Be on social media”, “Do your own accounting”, “Sell, sell, sell”, and so on.
The real answer should be “doing what makes you the best”. What made you get into this business to begin with? Are you still doing what you love and enjoy doing or are you getting bogged down with all the small necessities of running a business?
Often small businesses think they have to do it all themselves and with constraints like limited resources, time, and money. This doesn’t always have to be the case. Automate and outsource some of the tasks and responsibilities that are taking up your valuable time. Focus on what you do best and what matters most.
If you find yourself chasing too many rabbits and catching none, consider hiring an IT consultant like Bytagig to review the best tools to help you achieve true focus.
Further suggested reading on this subject: The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
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