how to reset internet router

How to Reset Your Internet Router: A Step-by-Step Guide to Protecting Against Cyberattacks




Imagine this scenario: your internet connection has been sluggish, and you suspect it’s due to a misbehaving router. You decide to reset it using “how to reset internet router,” hoping for a quick fix. But wait! Before you hit that reset button, did you know that performing a router reset without taking proper precautions could leave your network vulnerable to cyberattacks? Fear not! In this lively guide, we’ll show you how to reset your internet router safely, keeping cyber threats at bay.


  1. Understand the Importance of Router Security


Before resetting your router, it’s crucial to understand the importance of router security, especially when considering “how to reset internet router.” Routers serve as the gateway between your devices and the internet, making them prime targets for cybercriminals. If a hacker gains access to your router, it could lead to severe consequences, such as data breaches, unauthorized access to sensitive information, and even the hijacking of your network for malicious activities.


By prioritizing router security and regularly updating firmware, you can prevent cyberattacks and keep your network safe. It’s also essential to change default login credentials to strong and unique passwords to protect against unauthorized access. Additionally, exporting a backup of your current settings ensures you can restore your network to its previous state if needed.


Taking these precautions before resetting your router will minimize the risk of cyberattacks and help maintain a secure digital environment for all your devices. Remember, a secure router means a safer and more reliable internet experience for you and your entire household.


  1. Update Router Firmware


Maintaining router security starts with keeping your firmware up to date. Manufacturers regularly release updates to patch vulnerabilities and enhance performance. Access your router’s admin panel, check for available firmware updates, and install them promptly. This simple yet crucial step can protect your network from various potential threats, ensuring your router operates at its best and safeguarding your digital environment against cyber attacks.


  1. Backup Router Settings


Before resetting your router using “how to reset internet router,” it’s essential to safeguard your existing settings. Many routers have a built-in feature that allows you to export your current configurations. Take advantage of this feature and save the backup to an external device, such as a USB drive or your computer. This way, you can easily restore your network to its previous state, ensuring a smooth transition after the reset and avoiding any unnecessary hassles or downtime.


  1. Locate the Reset Button


Locating the reset button on your router is the first step. Typically, it’s a small pinhole situated on the back or bottom of the device. Grab a paperclip or a pin that fits into the hole to proceed with the reset. However, hold off on pressing the button for now! Before taking this critical step, ensure you have all the necessary information and preparation to avoid any risks during the reset process.


  1. Disconnect from the Internet


To add an extra layer of protection, temporarily disconnect your router from the internet by unplugging the Ethernet cable from the WAN (Wide Area Network) port, especially when considering “how to reset internet router.” This precaution minimizes the chances of a cyber attacker exploiting any vulnerability during the reset process. Ensuring that your router remains isolated from external networks, this precautionary measure reduces potential risks while you proceed with the reset. Safety first!


  1. Power Cycle Your Router


Before diving into the reset process, try power cycling your router as a first step. Unplug the power cord, wait for 10-15 seconds, and plug it back in. In many cases, this simple action can resolve connectivity issues without the need for a full reset. If your router starts working normally again, you can avoid the reset process altogether, saving you time and effort.


  1. Initiate the Router Reset


Once you’re ready to proceed with the reset, press and hold the reset button for approximately 10-15 seconds. While doing this, keep an eye on your router’s indicator lights. During the reset process, these lights will typically change and flicker. Once the lights stabilize, it indicates that the reset is complete. Your router has now reverted to its default factory settings, erasing any custom configurations you might have had. It’s like giving your router a fresh start!


  1. Change Default Passwords


After the reset, your router will revert to its default settings, including default login credentials. It’s essential to take immediate action and change these default passwords to strong and unique ones using “How to reset Internet router.” Using strong passwords ensures that cyber attackers won’t have an easy time accessing your router’s admin panel. Create a password that combines upper and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters, making it hard to crack. Remember, a robust password is a significant defense against potential cyber threats.


  1. Reconnect to the Internet


Now that your router is reset and secured with new credentials, it’s time to reconnect to the internet. Simply plug the Ethernet cable back into the WAN port and wait for the connection to establish. During this process, your router will negotiate with your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to regain Internet access. Once the connection is established, you can proceed with connecting your devices to the network and enjoy a secure and protected internet experience.


  1. Restore Settings and Update


You can import the previously saved backup to restore your custom settings if needed. This step is optional, as you can also manually configure your router settings if you prefer. Once everything is back up and running, it’s essential to check “how to reset internet router” for any pending firmware updates and apply them promptly. Regularly updating your router’s firmware is crucial to ensure it remains secure and protected against potential vulnerabilities. With these steps completed, you can rest assured that your router is reset and safeguarded against cyberattacks. Happy and secure browsing!




Resetting your internet router doesn’t have to compromise your cybersecurity. Follow these steps and prioritize security to troubleshoot your router confidently without exposing your network to cyberattacks.


Router security is crucial as it serves as the gateway between your devices and the internet, making it a prime target for cybercriminals. Ensure you run the latest firmware by checking for updates in your router’s admin panel, patching vulnerabilities, and improving performance.


Before the actual reset, safeguard your existing settings by exporting a backup. Locate the reset button, temporarily disconnect the router from the internet, and try power cycling it before performing a “how to reset internet router.”


Press and hold the reset button, and after the reset, change the default login credentials immediately. If needed, reconnect to the internet, import the backup, and check for firmware updates.


By taking router security seriously and following these precautions, you can surf the web worry-free and keep your network protected against potential threats. Happy browsing!


About Bytagig

Bytagig is dedicated to providing reliable, full-scale cyber security and IT support for businesses, entrepreneurs, and startups in a variety of industries. Bytagig works both remotely with on-site support in Portland, San Diego, and Boston. Acting as internal IT staff, Bytagig handles employee desktop setup and support, comprehensive IT systems analysis, IT project management, website design, and more. Bytagig is setting the standard for MSPs by being placed on Channel Future’s NexGen 101 list.

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