Portland IT Services

Portland IT Services Explains Pros and Cons for Remote Access

A Remote Desktop Software is a very advantageous computer program that allows your Portland IT services to gain entry to your company computer and temporarily have access to everything inside, including your documents, emails, accounts, files, programs, software, photos, and everything that you can do, they can do too. And if you think about it, the prospect of having someone else access your computer is quite a bit scary, even if it is your very own IT support. But, as a business person you know that remote access bring in major benefits for your company. And to make things clear, let us look at the pros and cons of remote access for your computer.


Here let us talk about the advantages of allowing your Portland IT services company to access your computer remotely.

Office space saving

When you outsource your IT needs, you are saving office space since the IT company is located in their own offices and not in yours. So when you need instant assistance with your computer, they can simply remotely access your computer and provide resolution from their end through seeing everything that you can see in your computer.

Transportation expense savings

By letting your IT support company to access your computer remotely, you can save money from transportation expenses that is potentially billed to you for services rendered. You can just let your IT support team access your computer from their offices in order to fix the technical problems. They no longer need to travel and spend money on gas, food, and more during their transport to resolve your computer issues.

Time saving

When your Portland IT services team remotely access your computer, you are saving a lot of time in the resolution of your technical difficulties. As soon as the issue occurs, your IT support can immediately access your computer remotely and find out what the problem is. And if the issue involves a cyber attack, then your IT support can fight the hackers instantly and prevent further damage to your system. The issue can be resolved immediately, compared to taking the time for your IT services support to travel from their offices and spend minutes, even hours to come to your aid, where by that time it is already too late to save your computer or your confidential data from being stolen. You have to remember that when it comes to hackers penetrating your system, every second count. Failure to address the issue will only jeopardize your technical issue.


Every aspect in business has advantages, and at the same they have disadvantages as well. Let us now look at the cons of computer remote access for your business with your Portland IT services.

IT support poser

There are many risks that comes along with having your computer remotely accessed by another human being, and mostly the risk involves getting tricked by an IT that poses as your very own IT support team. Cyber criminals do have the knack of impersonating any legit IT and creating problems that seemingly needs immediate attention so you allow them remote access to your computer. That is why it is imperative that you check the credentials of the IT that contacts you, instead of giving in to your fear for your computer and just allow any IT to gain entrée to your device without giving it much thought and clarification.

Unreliable IT support

You need to understand that not all legit IT support companies are highly capable of doing their job as an IT support. There are still others who are just starting out with their business and they are filled with inexperienced ITs who are learning as they go. Of course, all master ITs start the same, but it would have been so much better if some members of their team already have extensive experience in the field of Information Technology. And when you have the unfortunate luck of hiring all novice IT team, then your computer is at risk of getting accidentally deleted, corrupted, or other potential damage. That is why you need to choose only the most highly recommended Portland IT services company to handle your network, system, and computers.

How to ensure efficiency and reliability in computer remote access

The security of your computer is essential to the success of your business. If your company computer is compromised, you will lose the trust of your business partners, management team, investors, and customers. And to make sure that you will maintain the integrity of your business, it is wise to read through the tips below.

Choose the best IT support

The most effective way to ensure that your need for computer remote access is always secure to hire the most reliable Portland IT services in the world. You need to be able to trust in the ITs that you allow to enter your computer and see everything you store there. Before you hire an IT support company, research about them and ask for references. Check the references carefully, and figure out if there were any issues with their previous job. You can also read their website’s customer reviews and testimonials to give you insight as to what kind of IT company they are. Remember to find all pertinent information about the IT support company before you sign on the dotted line.

Create data backup

Even if you trust your IT support team when they remotely access your computer, you still need to draw the line and be cautious at all times. Do not be lax in your giving access, and build a data back up system for your hard drive. You never know when accidents can happen during the remote access, and it will surely help you sleep at night knowing that whatever happens, your computer files have a back up that you can always turn to whenever the need arises. And of course, your Portland IT services will be very careful remotely.

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