10 Steps in What To Do If Internet Is Not Working On Your Phone When Your Tablet and TV Are Working Fine

10 Steps in What To Do If Internet Is Not Working On Your Phone When Your Tablet and TV Are Working Fine



It’s the modern-day conundrum: the internet is working on your tablet and TV, but your phone is refusing to cooperate. Frustrating? Absolutely. But what to do if internet is not working? Fixable? Most definitely! Before you throw your phone out the window in frustration, let’s walk through 10 steps to get your phone back online.


Step 1: Check Wi-Fi Signal Strength


What to do if internet is not working? Start by checking the Wi-Fi signal strength on your phone. If it’s weak or fluctuating, move closer to the router. Walls, furniture, and other obstacles can weaken the signal, so finding a closer spot can often improve connectivity. If moving closer to the router doesn’t help, consider other factors that might be causing interference, such as electronic devices or even neighboring networks. Knowing what to do if internet is not working on your phone includes optimizing your Wi-Fi signal strength, which can significantly improve your browsing experience.


Step 2: Toggle Wi-Fi Off and On


Sometimes, a simple toggle of the Wi-Fi can kickstart the connection. Turn it off, wait a few seconds, and then turn it back on. This action refreshes the connection to the Wi-Fi network and can often resolve minor connectivity issues. It’s a quick and easy step to try when you’re experiencing internet problems on your phone. If toggling the Wi-Fi off and on doesn’t work, you can then move on to other troubleshooting steps. Starting with a simple toggle is a good first step in figuring out what to do if internet is not working on your phone.


Step 3: Forget and Reconnect to Wi-Fi


If toggling doesn’t work what to do if internet is not working, forget the Wi-Fi network on your phone and reconnect. Go to Wi-Fi settings, tap on the network name, and select “Forget.” This action removes the network’s stored settings on your phone, allowing you to reconnect as if it were a new network. It can help resolve issues related to incorrect network configurations or authentication problems. Knowing what to do if internet is not working on your phone includes trying simple troubleshooting steps like forgetting and reconnecting to the Wi-Fi network, which can often resolve connectivity issues.


Step 4: Restart Your Phone


A classic IT solution that works surprisingly often. Restart your phone and see if that resolves the issue. Restarting your phone can clear temporary files and reset network configurations, which can often fix minor connectivity issues. It also gives your phone a fresh start, allowing it to reconnect to the network properly. If restarting your phone doesn’t work, you can then move on to other troubleshooting steps. Starting with a restart is a quick and easy way to potentially fix the problem without diving into more complex solutions.


Step 5: Check for Airplane Mode


What to do if internet is not working? Make sure the Airplane Mode is turned off. When it’s on, all wireless connections, including Wi-Fi, are disabled. If Airplane Mode is enabled, your phone won’t be able to connect to any Wi-Fi networks, regardless of their availability. Disabling Airplane Mode allows your phone to search for and connect to available networks, resolving any connectivity issues related to this setting. Knowing what to do if internet is not working on your phone includes checking Airplane Mode, as overlooking this simple setting can lead to unnecessary frustration and troubleshooting.


Step 6: Update Your Phone’s Operating System


Ensure your phone’s operating system is up to date. Sometimes, bugs or glitches in older versions can cause connectivity issues.


Step 7: Check Router Settings


In what to do if internet is not working, access your router settings and ensure that the MAC filtering is off. This feature can block devices from connecting to the network. MAC filtering allows you to specify which devices can connect to your network based on their MAC addresses. If this feature is enabled and your phone’s MAC address is not in the allowed list, it won’t be able to connect. Disabling MAC filtering can resolve connectivity issues related to this setting. Knowing what to do if internet is not working on your phone includes checking router settings like MAC filtering, which can sometimes inadvertently block your device from connecting.


Step 8: Reset Network Settings


If all else fails, reset your phone’s network settings. This will erase saved networks, so you’ll need to reconnect to Wi-Fi.


Step 9: Use a Different DNS Server


Try using a different DNS server on your phone in what to do if internet is not working. You can change this in your phone’s network settings. DNS (Domain Name System) servers translate domain names (like google.com) into IP addresses that your device can use to connect to websites. Sometimes, using a different DNS server can improve internet connectivity if the current server is slow or experiencing issues. Google’s Public DNS ( and and Cloudflare’s DNS ( are popular options known for their speed and reliability. Knowing what to do if internet is not working on your phone includes trying different DNS servers, which can sometimes resolve connectivity issues quickly and easily.


Step 10: Contact Your Internet Service Provider (ISP)


If none of the above steps work, it may be time to contact your ISP. There could be an issue with your internet connection that requires their assistance.




In conclusion, dealing with internet issues on your phone when other devices are working fine can be frustrating, but it’s usually fixable with some troubleshooting. By following these 10 steps, you can often identify and resolve the issue quickly. 


Start by checking the Wi-Fi signal strength and ensuring that the Airplane Mode is turned off. If that doesn’t work, try toggling Wi-Fi off and on, or forget and reconnect to the Wi-Fi network. Restarting your phone and updating its operating system can also help. 


If the issue persists, check your router settings, reset your phone’s network settings, or try using a different DNS server. Contacting your Internet Service Provider (ISP) may be necessary if none of the previous steps work.


With a little patience and persistence, you’ll know what to do if internet is not working and have your phone back online in no time. Remember, knowing what to do if internet is not working on your phone includes trying simple troubleshooting steps before moving on to more complex solutions.


About Bytagig

Bytagig is dedicated to providing reliable, full-scale cyber security and IT support for businesses, entrepreneurs, and startups in a variety of industries. Bytagig works both remotely with on-site support in Portland, San Diego, and Boston. Acting as internal IT staff, Bytagig handles employee desktop setup and support, comprehensive IT systems analysis, IT project management, website design, and more.

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