Co Managed IT Services

How to Choose Between Two IT Support Portland Companies

Your dream of becoming an IT support Portland professional is fast-tracked when two of the couple of IT service companies decides to hire you for the job. It is such an honor to be considered by two competing IT support firms, but once the happiness wears off and your pride swelled, you are faced with the dilemma of choosing which job offer to accept. Of course, you must choose only one, since you cannot work full time in two IT support companies. And so here in this post we will explore the factors that you should consider in choosing which IT service company you would work for to start earn a living and work in the technical world.

Company reputation

It is vastly important that you consider the reputation of the IT support Portland company before you decide to sign on the dotted line. Though you probably applied in the both companies because you have done your research about them and they are good enough to be your prospective employer, there is still a chance that you applied because they are hiring and you do not know all the details. Double check the reputation of each IT service firm and find out if they are trusted and highly regarded in the industry. It is always better to work for a company with an excellent reputation. And if both have impeccable names in the industry, then choose which one is more respected.

Size of the company

The size of the IT support firm matters in your decision. Small to medium companies offers a chance to work in medium scale work and deal with limited clients. And large companies allow you to experience being part of the big guys in the industry. But both kind of IT support companies have their advantages and disadvantages, but of course it is better to work for a large company, so it is best to choose the larger size company and work as a new IT support Portland professional.


You are looking for work not to give out your services for free, but you are applying for a job in order to earn money and everything that comes with it. And so it is only practical to check out how much each of the IT support company offers you in terms of salary and benefits. You should of course say yes to a higher salary and benefits. No one in their right mind would decline a high wages offer and choose the company with lesser salary and reduced benefits. Always be practical with your choices, and go for the IT support company that can give you the salary range that you want.


Always check regarding the insurance that the It support company can offer you. Insurance is very important especially if you have a family. Peruse the coverage of the insurance and see if it covers the necessary medical expenses that you or any member of your family could possibly need in the future. Choose an IT support Portland company that offers exceptional insurance benefits that is you can take advantage of.

Company mission and vision

As a human being you do have your own life policies and outlook in life. It is good to look into the mission and vision of the IT support companies and determine if their goals in the IT world coincides with yours. You chose this career path for a reason, and not just for the money. Whatever drove you to decide to become a part if the IT industry, it should have a say in the company you will work for. Accept a job offer from the IT service firm that has a mission and vision that you believe in and agree to.

Potential for growth

You cannot stay as a typical IT professional for the rest of your career. Choose an IT support Portland company that gives room for their employees to grow and develop new skills. You can find out this information by discreetly talking to the current ITs working there. For sure, you can find ITs whom you know, since the IT society is quite a tight community. You can also look into their websites, and forums for ITs and investigate if the ITs working for the two companies are happy in their working environment. You will be surprised how many employees vent out their anger and frustration in private forums. You will surely learn what you need to know there, and that information will help you decide your career path.

Temperaments of the boss

Go the extra mile to find out of the bosses of each IT support company are level-headed and fair. It is no use working for company owners who does not treat their employees with respect. Figure out which boss cares truly for the employees, and which one considers the ITs as property and does not treat them with respect. Your happiness in your chosen career as a brilliant IT support Portland professional is greatly influenced by your working environment. So work in a place where you are appreciated, with a boss and superiors that gives you room to breathe and allow you to explore your capabilities further. Choose an IT support company that has a boss that is genuinely good to all the employees. Because that is where you can find growth in your career.

Final say

There is no doubt that you get overwhelmed and confused regarding the two IT support companies that are offering you a jib. But you need to keep your wits together and make the right choice. Gather all the information you need, and compare your notes. Consider all the factors listed in this post to help you decide, and you will never go wrong. After all, it is your career and reputation that is at stake in your job choice. And when you finally decided, be the best IT support Portland professional as you can.

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