IT Support Portland

IT Support Portland Ethical Hacking Courses Advantages and Disadvantages

The need for IT support Portland for ethical hackers is rapidly increasing due to the rise of cyber threats in the world. Black hat hackers are evolving in their hacking craft, and the grey hat hackers are becoming more intense with their hacking capabilities. And since there are so many bad hackers in the universe, we simply cannot wait for black hat hackers to turn to the bright side and become white hat hackers. We have higher chances to convert grey hat hackers, but it is still not guaranteed to happen soon. And though we have so many white hat hackers available in the country, we still need to be prepared for the worst and train new ethical hackers.

The need for new ethical hackers

Small, medium, and large businesses are in need of IT support Portland in the country that can handle ethical hacking. This is because many companies face the seriousness of cyber threats that are proven to bring companies down to their knees. Let us look closer at the main reasons why ethical hacking is accepted as a norm in the corporate world.

  • Ethical hacking is performed with the complete and full permission of the business owners, management, and authorities when needed. This process of breaching the system is crucial to find underlying vulnerabilities in the network and system of companies where black hat hackers can use to enter and steal and jeopardize company data.
  • The technological world keeps on evolving, and there is a dire need to use the skills and abilities of white hat hackers to fight the dark intents of the cyber criminals.
  • White hat hackers are tasked to install preventative measures to companies in order to prevent future cyber crimes to happen which can eventually cripple businesses. And with a reliable IT support Portland, cyber threats are neutralized.

Advantages of training new ethical hackers

The world is full of ethical hacking courses that are open for IT professionals who want to enhance their skills in hacking in order to become certified as ethical hackers for companies, organizations, and government. Here are the reasons why ethical hacking classes are a must in the industry.

New batches of good hackers

Thanks to the ethical hacking courses, there are new waves of good hackers in the land. We definitely need the ethical hackers in order to bring security to companies, organizations, and government offices. These new white hat hackers are certified to do penetration testing and more for their clients, and they are well versed with all the rules and regulations of approved hacking processes in order to find vulnerabilities in the networks and systems.

Disadvantages in training new white hat hackers

There is no doubt that ethical hacking is absolutely necessary in every company. But, there are risks involved in training new white hat hackers to be part of IT support Portland companies. It is important to understand that though ethical hacking courses are geared towards to the greater good of companies, the skills that ITs learn from these courses can be used for negative purposes, especially the students are misguided. Let us check the potential disadvantages of training new white hat hackers.

Pretentious learners

To become certified professionals as white hat hackers, ITs need to undergo intense training that is quite similar to what black hat hackers go through in order to perfect their craft. And since there is no way to completely determine the true intentions of people, the organizers of the ethical hacking courses cannot authenticate the true emotions and feelings of the students. And that is why there are many pretentious learners that can insert themselves into the courses, and since they are paying a lot of money to join, they are all welcomed with open arms. But truth be told, there could be students who wants to use the ethical hacking classes to twist their learning to become black hat hackers.

Dealing with the risks of ethical hacking courses

There are always risks in opening ethical hacking classes for IT support Portland professionals, but the benefits of these learning greatly outweighs the risks. What we can do is be alert at all times for signs of IT students who are showing signs of leaning towards the dark side instead of staying in course to be white hat hackers. It is crucial for ethical hacking organizers to keep track of the certified white hat hackers, and from time to time check if they did follow the path of ethical hacking, or if they strayed and used their knowledge to do bad things.

It is also important to do background check on the students of the ethical hacking classes, though that is quite a hassle and not all course organizers have the resources or the patience to do so. Hopefully, many ethical hacking organizers are responsible enough to find out if their potential students came from a good IT background with the personality to stay as white hat hackers for a long time and not be influenced by the dark side.

IT support Portland companies are trying their best to produce excellent services when it comes to ethical hacking, and it is vital to have new experts in the field of ethical hacking to join their teams. They simply need to be wary of the new recruits, and allow them to gain their trust.


The true intentions of ITs, and in people in general are often hidden from view. And it terms of the ethical hacking business, it is good that there are courses offered to produce new certified white hat hackers. But, we all still need to practice caution in trusting people in the cybersecurity world. Some ITs can pretend to want the good jobs, but ends up siding the dark side. That is why ethical hacking courses organizers must be vigilant in accepting genuine students only to be part of the cybersecurity teams of the IT support Portland companies.

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