Navigating the Forex Market: How to Fix DNS Server Unavailable for Traders

Navigating the Forex Market: How to Fix DNS Server Unavailable for Traders



Welcome to the fast-paced world of forex trading, where every second counts. As a forex trader, you rely heavily on a stable internet connection to execute trades and stay ahead of the market. However, encountering a “DNS server unavailable” error can disrupt your trading activities and potentially lead to missed opportunities. Fear not! In this article, we’ll explore how to fix DNS server unavailable issues, ensuring smooth trading operations.


When facing a “DNS server unavailable” error, the first step is to check your internet connection. Ensure that your modem and router are properly connected and that there are no physical issues. Next, try restarting your devices, as this can often resolve temporary connectivity issues.


If the how to fix DNS server unavailable problem persists, you may need to manually configure your DNS settings. To do this, open your network settings and enter the preferred and alternate DNS server addresses provided by your internet service provider.


By following these steps, you can quickly troubleshoot and fix DNS server unavailability, ensuring uninterrupted forex trading.


Understanding DNS Server Unavailability


Before we delve into the fixes, let’s understand what DNS server unavailability means for forex traders. The Domain Name System (DNS) is like the internet’s address book, translating domain names into IP addresses. When your DNS server is unavailable, your computer cannot resolve domain names to IP addresses, making it difficult to connect to websites and trading platforms.


In how to fix DNS server unavailable, start by checking your internet connection and ensuring your modem and router are correctly connected. If the issue persists, try restarting your devices to resolve temporary connectivity issues. If that doesn’t work, you may need to manually configure your DNS settings.


To manually configure your DNS settings, access your network settings and enter the preferred and alternate DNS server addresses provided by your internet service provider. This can often resolve DNS server unavailability issues and ensure uninterrupted forex trading.


DNS server unavailability can disrupt your trading activities by preventing your computer from resolving domain names to IP addresses. However, by following these steps, you can quickly troubleshoot and fix DNS server unavailability, ensuring smooth trading operations.


Troubleshooting Steps for Forex Traders


  1. Check Your Network Connection


Ensure that your internet connection is stable and working properly. Sometimes, a simple connection issue can cause DNS server unavailability. If you encounter how to fix DNS server unavailable problem, first, check your modem and router to ensure they are properly connected and functioning. Next, restart your devices to see if that resolves the issue. If the problem persists, you may need to manually configure your DNS settings. Access your network settings and enter the preferred and alternate DNS server addresses provided by your internet service provider. This can often fix DNS server unavailability and restore your internet connection.


  1. Restart Your Router


Restarting your router can help refresh the connection and resolve DNS-related issues. Turn off your router, wait for a few seconds, and then turn it back on. This simple step can often fix DNS server unavailability problems by clearing any temporary glitches in the router’s operation. If the issue persists, consider resetting your router to its factory settings, which can resolve more complex DNS or connectivity issues. However, be aware that resetting your router will erase any custom settings you have configured, so make sure to have those details handy before proceeding with a reset.


  1. Flush DNS Cache


Flushing the DNS cache on your computer can help clear any cached DNS records that may be causing the issue. In how to fix DNS server unavailable, open the Command Prompt and type “ipconfig /flushdns” (without quotes). This command will purge the DNS resolver cache, potentially fixing DNS server unavailability problems. After running this command, restart your computer to apply the changes. Flushing the DNS cache is a simple yet effective troubleshooting step that can often resolve DNS-related issues and restore your internet connectivity. If the problem persists, consider contacting your internet service provider for further assistance.


  1. Change DNS Servers


Consider switching to a different DNS server, such as Google’s Public DNS ( and, to see if it resolves the issue. Changing DNS servers can sometimes help bypass DNS server unavailability.


  1. Update Your DNS Settings


Ensure that your computer’s DNS settings are configured correctly. You can check this in your network settings. In how to fix DNS server unavailable issues, open your network settings and verify that the DNS server addresses are correctly entered. If they are incorrect or missing, you can manually enter the correct DNS server addresses provided by your internet service provider. This simple step can often resolve DNS server unavailability problems and restore your internet connection. After updating your DNS settings, restart your computer to apply the changes. If the issue persists, consider resetting your router or contacting your internet service provider for further assistance.


  1. Contact Your ISP


If none of the above steps work, contact your internet service provider (ISP) for assistance. There may be an issue with their DNS servers that needs to be addressed.




As a forex trader, encountering a “DNS server unavailable” error can be frustrating, but it doesn’t have to derail your trading activities. By following these troubleshooting steps, you can quickly resolve DNS server unavailability and get back to trading smoothly. 


Firstly, ensure that your internet connection is stable and working properly. Sometimes, a simple connection issue can cause DNS server unavailability. 


Secondly, restart your router to refresh the connection and resolve DNS-related issues. Turn off your router, wait for a few seconds, and then turn it back on. 


Thirdly, flushing the DNS cache on your computer can help clear any cached DNS records that may be causing the issue. To do this, open the Command Prompt and type “ipconfig /flushdns” (without quotes). 


Lastly, ensure that your computer’s DNS settings are configured correctly. You can check this in your network settings and manually enter the correct DNS server addresses provided by your internet service provider if necessary.


Remember, in the fast-paced world of forex trading, every second counts in how to fix DNS server unavailable, so it’s essential to have a reliable internet connection.


About Bytagig

Bytagig is dedicated to providing reliable, full-scale cyber security and IT support for businesses, entrepreneurs, and startups in a variety of industries. Bytagig works both remotely with on-site support in Portland, San Diego, and Boston. Acting as internal IT staff, Bytagig handles employee desktop setup and support, comprehensive IT systems analysis, IT project management, website design, and more.

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