Why Does My Computer Say No Internet But My Tablet Is Connected?

Why Does My Computer Say No Internet But My Tablet Is Connected?




Have you ever encountered the frustrating scenario of why does my computer say no internet while your tablet happily surfs the web? It’s a head-scratcher, to say the least. Let’s dive into the possible reasons behind this perplexing issue.


  1. Different Network Adapters


When your computer says “no internet” while your tablet connects effortlessly, it could be due to different network adapters. Computers and tablets often use distinct adapters to connect to Wi-Fi. Why does my computer say no internet? If your computer’s adapter is malfunctioning or has outdated drivers, it may struggle to connect. Updating the drivers or troubleshooting the adapter can often resolve the issue. Additionally, some computers have a physical switch or key combination to enable or disable Wi-Fi connectivity. Ensuring that Wi-Fi is enabled on your computer can also help resolve connectivity problems. By addressing these adapter-related issues, you can improve your computer’s ability to connect to Wi-Fi and avoid the frustrating “no internet” message.


  1. Signal Strength


The Wi-Fi signal strength can vary between devices, even in the same location. Your tablet might be receiving a stronger signal than your computer, allowing it to connect while the computer struggles.


  1. Interference


When your computer says “no internet” but your tablet is connected, the discrepancy could be due to the strength and quality of the wireless signal. Wireless signals can be disrupted by a variety of factors, such as the presence of other electronic devices, thick walls, or even appliances like microwave ovens. If your tablet is closer to the router or is in an area with less interference, it may have a stronger and more stable connection, allowing it to connect more easily than your computer. To improve your computer’s connectivity, consider repositioning your router to reduce interference, using a Wi-Fi extender, or updating your computer’s wireless network adapter drivers. These steps can help ensure a stronger and more reliable connection for your computer.


  1. Network Configuration


Sometimes, the network configuration settings on your computer can cause connectivity issues. Incorrect settings or conflicts with other network devices can result in the “no internet” error message.


  1. DNS Issues


Why does my computer say no internet? One potential culprit could be incorrect or corrupted Domain Name System (DNS) settings. DNS settings are crucial as they translate domain names into IP addresses, enabling you to access websites. If these settings are off or corrupted, your computer may struggle to connect to the internet, even when other devices on the same network have no issues. To fix this, you can manually set your DNS server addresses to known, reliable servers like Google’s Public DNS ( and or Cloudflare’s DNS ( This adjustment can often resolve DNS-related connectivity issues and get your computer back online smoothly.


  1. Software or Malware


Malicious software can wreak havoc on your computer’s network settings, leading to connectivity issues. Running a full system scan with updated antivirus software can help identify and remove any malware causing the problem.


  1. Firewall Settings


Your computer’s firewall settings may be blocking access to the internet. Check your firewall settings to ensure they’re not overly restrictive and allow the necessary network traffic.


  1. IP Address Conflict


Why does my computer say no internet? Encountering a “no internet” message on your computer while your tablet stays connected can be perplexing. One potential cause could be an IP address conflict. When two devices on the same network are assigned the same IP address, connectivity problems can arise. To resolve this, ensure that each device on your network has a unique IP address. You can do this by configuring your router’s DHCP settings to assign IP addresses dynamically. Additionally, you can manually assign static IP addresses to devices to prevent conflicts. By ensuring that each device has a unique IP address, you can avoid connectivity issues and ensure that both your computer and tablet can stay connected to the internet seamlessly.


  1. Router Configuration


Sometimes, the issue lies with the router’s configuration. Resetting the router or checking its settings can help resolve connectivity issues with your computer.


  1. Operating System Updates


Updates to your computer’s operating system can sometimes cause network connectivity problems. Ensuring that your operating system is up to date can help resolve these issues.


  1. Network Card Settings


Why does my computer say no internet? It might be due to incorrect settings on your network card. The network card’s settings, including duplex mode and speed settings, can impact connectivity. If these settings are incorrect, your computer may struggle to establish a stable connection to the network. To resolve this issue, you can access the network card’s properties through the Device Manager on Windows or Network Preferences on macOS. Ensure that the duplex mode is set to “Auto” and that the speed settings are compatible with your network. Making these adjustments can help your computer establish a reliable connection to the internet and resolve the “no internet” error message.


  1. Third-party Software


Third-party software installed on your computer, such as VPNs or security software, can sometimes interfere with your network connection. Temporarily disabling these programs can help determine if they’re causing the issue.


  1. Router Firmware


Why does my computer say no internet? Outdated router firmware could be the culprit. Router firmware acts as the operating system of your router, managing its functionality. If the firmware is outdated, it may not support the latest features or security protocols, leading to connectivity issues. Updating your router’s firmware can resolve these problems by ensuring that it is compatible with your devices and network environment. To update your router’s firmware, log in to its web interface and check for any available updates. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to download and install the latest firmware version. After updating, restart your router and check if the connectivity issue is resolved. Keeping your router’s firmware up to date is essential for maintaining a reliable internet connection.


  1. ISP Issues


Sometimes, the issue may be with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Contacting your ISP to check for any outages or issues on their end can help resolve connectivity problems.




In conclusion, the “no internet” error message on your computer while your tablet is connected can be caused by a variety of factors, including network adapter issues, signal strength, interference, network configuration, DNS issues, software or malware, firewall settings, IP address conflicts, router configuration, operating system updates, network card settings, third-party software, router firmware, and ISP issues. By troubleshooting these potential causes of why does my computer say no internet, you can often resolve the issue and get your computer back online in no time.


About Bytagig

Bytagig is dedicated to providing reliable, full-scale cyber security and IT support for businesses, entrepreneurs, and startups in a variety of industries. Bytagig works both remotely with on-site support in Portland, San Diego, and Boston. Acting as internal IT staff, Bytagig handles employee desktop setup and support, comprehensive IT systems analysis, IT project management, website design, and more.

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