
Forward Thinking IT Solutions: Insights, Trends, and Expertise for the Digital Age

The 2023 cybersecurity threat trends to watch for Another year, another long list of IT and infrastructural threats. As businesses, people, and communities grow further entwined in the digital realm, so does the danger in these sectors. Part of protecting ourselves against this tide relies on...

How security is shifting away from password reliance and login architecture Depending on who you ask, a few strong passwords is plenty to deal with modern threats. However, for others, it’s a completely failed system. Login codes have been the first vanguard of defense against hackers...

The Basics of Drafting a Security Guideline Program In our recent article we talked about the FTC’s safety requirements for financial institutions that handle customer data. Because the definition has expanded since 2003 of what qualifies as a financial institution, more businesses now fall under the...

Safeguarding consumer information is critical when managing data, handling online transactions, and maintaining brand strength. Customers must know that their information is in good hands, secured, and preserved in case of emergency or breach event. Accomplishing this is a matter of establishing strong security policies...

Bytagig has been awarded Oregon's Best Service Provider from Upcity, an online business credibility verifier. Bytagig is a managed cyber security and IT provider. They help businesses and startups reduce data loss risk and optimize productivity. Their mission is to be the most responsive, friendly, and...

IT resources hit hard in more remote parts of the United States When we discuss the need for modernized infrastructure, or the plights of IT and cybersecurity, the focus takes aim at sprawling cities or remote networks. Often forgotten in this surge of evolving tech, however,...