
Forward Thinking IT Solutions: Insights, Trends, and Expertise for the Digital Age

The risks challenging life science organizations [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="1125"] IT stability is just as important in life science as it is with other industries.[/caption] Biotech is a growing, biology-driven field taking advantage of modern tech solutions to further its goals. However, with this rising reliance on...

Omicron phishing scams hit the web Though the world has eagerly desired a return to norms, the lingering threat of Covid keeps things in check. Though the disease is mostly kept in check, depending on the area and acceptance of a vaccine reality, variations of Covid...

Discovered zero-day exploit raises red flags Cybersecurity is no stranger to zero-day exploits, a scenario where exploits still pose a threat to software, programming, apps, and websites. Most are manageable, but when the exploit exists for a widely used platform, it’s a big problem. Java is,...

Information overload impacts worker performance Do you remember in class how, after around twenty to thirty minutes, paying attention to a lecture got increasingly difficult? For those suffering from ADD or other neurodivergent problems, it was a nightmare. But for others, even with great concentration, that...

How phishing is turning into a business for hackers Phishing remains one of the most widely used attack methods by hackers today. Social engineering is an effective tool for delivering malware payloads, such as ransomware. And thus, any hacker or malicious gang out for profit typically...

How con-artists defraud millions during the holidays The idea of a scam during the holiday season sounds heartless and unthinkable, but it’s a common and frequent occurrence around Christmas time. Scams like these come in a variety of forms, from obnoxious spam calls to theft attempts...