
Forward Thinking IT Solutions: Insights, Trends, and Expertise for the Digital Age

Reports show increasing attacks on medical IT infrastructure Hospital and medical networks are still ripe targets for malicious attacks, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite putting literal lives in danger, third-party hackers are eager to take advantage and willingly lob malicious campaigns against susceptible targets. The CyberPeace...

Two new ransomware strands to remain aware of What’s worse than ransomware? Ransomware that’s evolving. We’ve often brought up the different threat campaigns presented by ransomware, and even discussed RaaS (ransomware as a service). It doesn’t take a master to use these tools either, a fairly...

A Quickbooks exploit creates vulnerabilities Recently we discussed the increased saturation of ransomware attacks during tax season for the United States. Malicious third-parties are always eager to seek out ways to deliver their dangerous payloads. Often, they’ll take advantage of important events to cloak their methods,...

Why business email compromise attacks could be deadlier than ransomware At Bytagig we often examine the widespread dangers of ransomware, malware, and cyber-attacks. But it’s easy to overlook other attack types that are just as, if not more so, deadly. One, in particular, is the BEC...

Phishing attacks add to a stressful time of year While tax season draws close and many are already looking for ways to crunch numbers, another problem looms. Scammers and threat parties are preparing to exploit misinformation about filing taxes to launch a spree of attacks, much...

Ransomware creates a concerning choice for companies Ransomware often comes up as a topic of interest simply because it’s so prevalent. Every other week there’s another story about a local business or organization feeling the impacts of ransomware - such as Ramsey County feeling the pressure...

Key questions for IT health When you hear “IT sanitization” or similar, you might think it literally translates to clean surroundings. And while it is good to keep your environment picked up, in the context of IT, it means how safe and free of security threats...