
Forward Thinking IT Solutions: Insights, Trends, and Expertise for the Digital Age

The Purpose of Deception Technology The fight against malware and malicious activities is long and arduous, but solutions are designed every year to aid in the struggle. One such solution is deception technology, which we’ll dive into this article. Deception technology is a method of imitating legitimate...

Major Support Company Platform Suffers Cybersecurity Setback   SCHEDULE A 15 MINUTE CALL ZenDesk is one of the most trusted business platforms for IT help and assistance. Still, the organization recently learned of a significant data breach affecting at least 10,000 clients. This breach was discovered on...

Popular App Sustains Security Breach We’re living in the future when we can get our favorite restaurant quality food delivered to our door. Somebody ought to do the same for DoorDash though, except replace food with “good cybersecurity.” Yes, unfortunately, the popular DoorDash app has been...

Key Security Benefits of an MSP Given the strict needs of a good cybersecurity policy, a company needs as much help as possible. Sometimes that’s done through in-house IT, where expert staff set up guidelines and resources for managing security concerns. But sometimes, that’s not enough....