26 Mar COVID-19 and Remote Working Precautions
Protecting your home operation

As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to take a toll on regular life, many businesses are struggling to maintain normal operations during the economic slowdown. Remote work solutions have been deployed in response. However, even in a home environment, cybersecurity is still a major point of concern. While you’re taking precautions to keep yourself healthy and safe, you should follow good security stratagies as well.
Businesses giving their staff devices like laptops should assure said machines are updated on all fronts, from the operating system, programs, and anti-virus software. Right now, malicious third parties are highly active and looking to take advantage of the Coronavirus related panic, and as such are eager to target networks and devices. Therefore, having devices updated reduces risk and provides the first line of defense against standard malicious attacks.
Use and/or allow only business software
If your business distributes devices for remote working, then not only should you have said software running the latest version, but only allow for use of said software and apps. This goes without saying, but third party apps are potential threat vectors and points of distraction. Devices can be compromised, so only business software should be used.
Use 2FA where needed
Two-factor authentication is a powerful and free form of security that should be enabled on business software, requiring a secondary one-time login code. It’s free and provides one extra layer of protection beyond logins. In most cases, Bytagig thoroughly recommends utilizing as often as possible.
Take advantage of business communication software
If your business doesn’t typically operate with a remote-working model, chances are you’re encountering some interesting new issues, like communication. There are, thankfully, numerous options designed for this very thing. Programs like Slack are optimal for talking between staff members, and you can manage support tickets through services like ZenDesk.
Do not open messages from unknown senders
Malicious actors are out in force during the COVID-19 pandemic, lobbing attacks at businesses all over. One of the primary methods is through spear-phishing attacks, malicious messages disguised as safe ones often deployed through email. Workers and management should only access messages they know are from staff. Ignore messages from unknown senders, those acting as friends, “official” accounts linked to billing info, and so on.
Obviously, remote worker solutions is a different game altogether but are entirely manageable. The trick is to remain safe and avoid malicious threats using the tips we listed above.
If you’re still having trouble, consider contacting Bytagig for additional third-party support.
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