Passkeys May Be the Next Wave of Login Security

Passkeys May Be the Next Wave of Login Security

Recently we discussed the pitfalls of password complexity and common practices surrounding website login security. The prevailing belief when creating a strong password is – and has been – numerous varying characters, numbers, and symbols with a unique password for each website used. Times, however, have shifted dramatically, and so has this strategy.

For example, the demand for password complexity has created a self-defeating effect. To meet the criteria for complexity, the median user creates guessable patterns, versus methods that actually make their password secure. More over, complicated passwords encouraged users to store their logins in unsafe areas (such as writing them down in easily discoverable places).

The nature of technology is to change, adapt, and advance. Ideally, to identify and resolve complex issues without the user-facing element requiring extensive IT knowledge to use said tech. In other words, the “solution” to the password problem is password generators, extensions, and software to automatically generate/store logins with limited user input. A user can then access their logins in one simple place.

It’s known as a password manager, a service provided by a vendor such as 1Password to simplify logins for personal and business use.

The introduction of passkeys

While password managers found their place in today’s uncertain, often dangerous, internet environment, another new security prospect has emerged. Passkeys are another addition to the modern security landscape, hoping to reduce the success rate of password/login-related hacks, threats, and brute-force attempts.

The fundamental idea behind a passkey is simple: using a security feature that is absent of passwords. A simple example is a biometric scan, which utilizes a fingerprint to access a device. You can already see the inherent value of said security feature since it relies on an individual’s physical features like a fingerprint or facial recognition. Since threat actors need to compromise login data to achieve success, utilizing a passkey can cut out the problem entirely.

There are other key advantages to passkeys. The first and possibly most advantageous is simplicity. Users are drawn, obviously, to ease of use and convenience. When it comes to password security, the desire for convenience is even greater. When the NIST highlighted weaknesses involving password creation and management, two factors stood out: unsafe storage of complex passwords, and redundancies found in complicated logins that defeated the purpose.

However, shifting away from complex logins is easier said than done. Time and time again, guidelines, methodologies, and strategies have developed to coax a general audience toward adopting sound password hygiene. But over time, said methodologies prove ineffective as time goes on, less reliable. Even in instances where good password hygiene is followed, threat actors utilize complex social engineering schemes to swipe passcodes, rendering strong cybersecurity architecture useless.

But even if these methodologies are not perfect, they represent the password “culture” we’ve adopted since the heyday years of early technology. There’s no inherent problem with this general idea: protecting a computer with a password is a natural conclusion to safeguard information. It is the digital key to the electric lock.

Therefore, passkeys are arguably more secure, but mass adoption of a passkey system isn’t something that happens overnight. And, we have to ask if a passkey system is more secure than traditional passwords.

Security advantages of passkeys

So, what makes passkeys a stronger, safer alternative to complex logins? There are several highlighted advantages, addressing the innate problems of passwords.

First, passkeys are inherently safer since they are not reused over multiple websites, apps, and logins. Their complex nature eliminates the potential for hackers to brute force a login. In special cases we mentioned, like biometrics, they cannot compromise a passkey at all.

Second, since passkeys eliminate the password equation, they’re resilient to social engineering schemes. Credentials cannot be stolen, since there are no credentials to steal.

Lastly, passkeys aim to solve device loss scenarios. When utilizing MFA, a single token is required on a single device – commonly a smartphone. But if said device is lost, an individual loses access to all their important logins and accounts. Furthermore, what happens if said user loses access to their recovery codes?

Recovering these password/MFA options can be exceedingly difficult in the case of a lost device. But the passkey system resolves this by syncing the account. A user does not need a specific device to acquire a single-use MFA token. Rather, just access to the passkey app. In an ideal environment, this synchronized passkey system creates an inherent resilience against phishing attempts and social engineering. Given hackers and threat actors rely overwhelmingly on phishing to achieve success, a passkey is an expedient way to strengthen security and cut out risks – the password.

While it’s still possible to maintain good password hygiene, doing so requires a stern habit of quality security habits. As we’ve seen, the median user is prone to human error and common mistakes. Unfortunately, said mistakes can lead to disastrous outcomes. That’s why passkeys can provide a powerful, simple solution for basic security measures. While cybersecurity still requires quality habits, proactive testing, and common sense, introduction of passkeys can reduce attacks related to logins and passwords.

Should I use passkeys?

Given their simplicity, ease of use, and security, passkeys are an excellent alternative to memorizing list of complicated logins. The tradeoff is passkeys are provided by a specific vendor, and you need access to said vendor to reliably use a passkey.

Still, the benefits outweigh the costs. If password centric security is a concern and MFA methods prove ineffective, passkeys are an ideal solution. Combined with good data hygiene and sound practices, passkeys can resolve numerous security headaches.

For additional help, assistance, and information, reach out to a third-party. Contact Bytagig for additional information.

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