24 Mar There’s Still a Cybersecurity Expert Shortage: What You Can Do
Cybersecurity remains at the forefront of leaders’ concerns. Because SMBs and large organizations rely on tech to perform work tasks, it’s the lifeline to their production models. But those models are constantly threatened by modern threats and advancements in malicious capabilities.
The obvious response is building a comprehensive and secure IT infrastructure while utilizing the best guidelines, such as the NSA’s document on micro-segmentation. However, it is no easy task and requires cybersecurity expertise to properly manage. Unfortunately, there is still a lack of cybersecurity experts despite rising demand, better pay, and long-term career options.
Reasons driving the expert shortage
Despite the call for more experts and driving IT demand, businesses find themselves lacking the necessary staff for comprehensive cybersecurity infrastructure. The reasons for said shortages are various.
One, for instance, is the continued advancement of threats readily outpacing the integration of experts. Ransomware, RaaS, AI-generated threats, and malware gangs are a handful of dangers in the digital realm. Additionally, the new complexity of IT networks adds to the challenges of security resources. Cloud, virtualized environments, remote work, and IoT are examples of modern shifts in infrastructure. These changes require protection from well-trained and educated workers, which takes time to build up and integrate.
Accompanying advancements in the tech sphere is a self-feeding burnout effect. Because a single enterprise lacks the expert staff to handle troubleshooting and IT, they take on larger workloads and longer hours of work. This demand leads to fatigue, resulting in exiting staff or less effective performance, which then adds additional burdens to remaining IT. And so, the problem perpetuates creating short and long-term shortages.
Quality of training and education problems can also affect incoming cybersecurity IT hopefuls. It isn’t only a matter of hiring specialists, quality is important too. Staff with limited training and experience can take a negative toll on performance, exacerbating security problems.
Lastly, funding and limited capital also present a serious problem. Hiring staff, implementing policies, adopting infrastructure, and monitoring networks is a costly venture. SMBs in particular often lack the means to onboard veteran staff, retain them, and maintain quality cybersecurity stances. These factors all contribute to the ongoing cybersecurity staff shortages present in many organizations.
Addressing the shortage problem
Now comes the bigger question: how do we address staff shortages in the IT and cybersecurity sector without compromising on quality? Easier said than done, of course, as quality and investment are directly linked. But management and businesses aren’t without options, and there are still effective avenues to readily explore.
One is to directly address the skill shortage. Cybersecurity is a team effort, and even the smallest change can yield an immense difference in posture and effectiveness. Teamwork, troubleshooting, and communication are exemplary skills adjacent to cybersecurity positions, for example. Not only should they be sought in recruits, but implemented as part of curriculum training too. Remember, relativity to cybersecurity is not enough for staff, precise skills and experience (where available) can grant more long-term value. If, for instance, your enterprise relies entirely on cloud infrastructure, you want stuff with cloud-facing cybersecurity skills and knowledge.
Emphasis and awareness of cybersecurity importance
Without budget and action, no cybersecurity plan can get off the ground. Enterprise leaders and executives need to understand the critical importance of cybersecurity. Not just from a data security standpoint, but a financial one too. The repercussions of a breach event are severe, resulting in liquid damages, data loss, brand degradation, and loss of business performance.
Leaders who have the means to finance and organize cybersecurity plans should therefore invest resources into comprehensive cybersecurity solutions. Furthermore, building out IT architecture isn’t just a guideline, it’s required to dodge legal ramifications and regulatory penalties. Businesses operating in the fintech sector, for example, are held to specific reporting requirements related to breaches (such as ransomware). They’re also responsible for maintaining in-house cybersecurity procedures. Without those, they can face fines and closure. It’s important not to neglect the vital importance of competent cybersecurity staff.
So, to address shortages, the key takeaways should be:
- Emphasize importance of cybersecurity staff acquisition, training, and retention to enterprise leaders
- Develop cohesive funding and strategies for future cybersecurity architecture
- Embolden current staff with ‘soft skills’ related to reporting, troubleshooting, and safety
- Integrate policies like zero-trust to strengthen current architecture
There’s no short-term or easy solution to managing the lack of cybersecurity and IT professionals. However, the earlier an organization works towards building a secure foundation, the better off they will be. It’s also worth considering third-party experts and resources where available.
For more information, you can contact Bytagig today.
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