That Work From Home Opportunity Could Be a Crypto Scam

That Work From Home Opportunity Could Be a Crypto Scam

Surge of Remote Work and “Work From Home” Scams

Remote working and “work from home” opportunities have exploded in popularity over the years. The first surge in remote environments came in response to the COVID pandemic, allowing people to maintain their jobs in quarantined environments. While remote working wasn’t a new concept before the pandemic, said global concern created a dire need for versatile working solutions. Today, remote working is still a popular option for many with a host of benefits, like reduced stress, saving money on travel, and working from the comfort of a home office.

However, today’s modern environment is filled with dangerous scams aiming to prey on remote-worker hopefuls. Those desiring legitimate opportunities must now be wary of malicious actors trying to cash in with crypto-adjacent scams. According to a recent FBI report, there are numerous dummy pages and false-offers, appearing as legitimate employers, who offer “work” but instead steal a victim’s hard earned money.

Like phishing scams, the appearance of legitimacy is how scammers first attempt to lure victims into false opportunities. The trouble is there are numerous types of freelance, remote, and work-from-home jobs available. Sorting out the real from the fake is easier said than done. If seeking remote work or new jobs, identify scams to protect yourself.


Knowing a Fake Job

Scam remote jobs, like phishing messages, have telltale signs of fraud.. The remaining way of these red flags will ensure your search for a remote job is legitimate.

First, the FBI warns fraudulent offerings might come from calls, messages, or emails. Threat actors do this by collecting data on a potential victim whether that’s through social media or other publicly available information. Once they’ve contacted a potential target, their offer will involve a “work from home” opportunity.

There are several red flags you should look out for if contacted by a seemingly “legitimate” agency. For instance, the job offer might involve simple, straightforward tasks with promises of high wages or pay. Scams also have other clear red-flags, which we’ll go over.

  • The “job” may detail optimization work by simply clicking a button or creating positive reviews, but know that any form of data optimization is a complex task that a single click action cannot accomplish
  • Payments offered via cryptocurrency are an immediate sign the offering is a scam, or, requires any form of upfront payment to begin training/work-related tasks
  • The company appears new, has limited reviews, or unusually high positive reviews for a newly established enterprise
  • The “enterprise” does not require reference checks or background checks and receiving employment is either “immediate” or expedited; legitimate remote jobs will always follow a standard hiring process
  • No or limited training requirements with promises of high pay for low or nonexistent experience in the field

Pay for opportunity

Many of these might sound familiar as they follow the same structure as ponzi schemes or “pay for opportunity” scams. Remember: anything that sounds too good to be true probably is. Threat actors try to prey on desperation and financial need to achieve success, coupling promises of quick, high payouts with limited experience requirements (or none at all).

By catching these warning signs, you can protect yourself against work-from-home scams and pursue legitimate opportunities. Threat-actors will also engage in shady behavior, from unsolicited job offers (jobs you did not apply for), request for upfront payments, or offer attachments you must download to better “understand” the job.

Scammers also further prey on victims in the event they’re successful. Victims seeking restitution after paying into a cryptocurrency scam may seek ‘recovery services,’ which are also additional scams designed to harm victims.

Finding Work-From-Home Jobs

The allure of remote work is understandable given its benefits. It’s an accessible opportunity for hopefuls with legitimate pathways for growth, experience, and tech-adjacent jobs. Therefore, it’s important to understand remote-work jobs are very competitive. Where local jobs may have a handful of applicants, a remote job can have hundreds, potentially thousands depending on the field. This isn’t to discourage you, only to provide a realistic picture. Anyone can apply for a remote job unless otherwise stated by the employer.

Having said that, legitimate offerings will always work like a traditional job. An employer will want an application, require background checks, and never ask you to pay for training, materials, or supplies. In the event they do, it’s covered by the organization. Companies will have trustworthy reputations, reviews, and a clear list of benefits, wages, and offered remote jobs.

Reporting Fraud

In the unfortunate event you are a victim of a fraudulent scheme or cryptocurrency scam, it’s important to both report the event and protect yourself from future schemes. Any scams should be reported to the Internet Crime Complaint Center. Include as many details as possible about the scam, the events leading to it, and what the “work from home” job required. This information allows the FBI to investigate patterns and quickly identify remote-fraud jobs.

If you have additional questions about remote work, job security, and dodging scams, you can contact Bytagig today for consultation assistance.

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